Below I provide you with a fT3 unit converter calculator (triiodothyronine). The lack of standardization of units in laboratories means that it is often necessary to convert the results into other units. The calculator converts units from pmol/L to ng/dL and pg/mL depending on the selected configuration. Enter the concentration of fT3, select the unit and you’re done! The calculator itself, recalculates the result. In case you need a calculator that is not yet on my website, please contact me, I will be happy to develop it.
fT3 unit converter calculator- calculate it
Below is a calculator. Convert your free triiodothyronine concentration – fT3 result!
I also invite you to the fT4 unit converter calculator.
fT3 Unit Converter Calculator
The calculator below is used to convert fT3 concentration between units: pmol/L, ng/dL, and pg/mL.
Formulas for converting fT3 concentration
Unit conversion is simple, but it’s worth knowing how to do it yourself. Below I present the formulas – how to convert fT3?
pmol/L x 0.0651 = ng/dL
ng/dL x 15.36= pmol/L
pmol/L x 0.651 = pg/mL
I hope you will find the above information useful. If you want to use other calculators, you will find the CALCULATORS button at the top of the page. There will be more of them with time, I already have a lot of ideas.
Disclaimer: This page is for informational purposes only. Conversion rates have been compiled based on publicly available information. All information should be confirmed and verified. The data on the site is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Any information, result, conversion should be consulted with a doctor.